Sunday 16 September 2012

'Letter To Self'

Dear Self,

    It's been two weeks since the first day that i set up my foot here. Everything was just great except for some minor lil' things that i could not mention. Don't know how to mention perhaps..hehee.. I'm feeling lucky for being given the opportunity to be here in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Such a drean came true for me! Best part is i am glad to see new friends from all over the country. So excited!!!

    So,lets talk about Tesl. Fun? Not so.Interesting? Ermm...Bored? Oh yes! This are the things that keep ticking in my mind..haha..however, this is just a beginning. Great things might be knocking my door somehow. So, let patient took it's place.

    When thinking of the future, there are many pictures in my mind. I started went through them one by one. How would it feels like being an english teacher???Oh...can you imagine me, standing in front of those students?'s always been a great satisfaction when we finally born a person! More valuable, which even million thousands money could not buy. Nevertheless, being a teacher could never be that bad until we experience it by ourselves..Think!

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