Friday, 12 October 2012

Descriptive Essay



Task 1: Compile a list of words to describe people.

Small, large, round, almond, asian, hooded, wide, bright, gentle, slanted, compassionate, twinkling, squinty, melancholy
Sharp, long, wide, hooked, turned up, narrow, short
Sexy, thick, thin, wide, full, beam, frown, pouting, watery, pinkish
Fair, wrinkled, oval, glowing, sad, happy, smiley
Fair, dark, tan, smooth, rough, glowing, creamy, rosy, pale, translucent, spotless
Smooth, rough, small, big, short, long, fat fingers
Dimpled, mole, scar, pimpled, beard, chubby
Slim, fat, medium height, plump, overweight, obese, muscular, tall, short
Fashionable, trendy, sporty, cute, colourful, ladies, man

Task 2: Choose a message from your mobile phone inbox. Identify the emotion of the sender
             based on the message sent.

Original: I am stressed. Please help me.

New: Amy stared at her laptop screen while rubbing her forehead. She can not think of any ideas to finish the last part of her assignment. She sighed for a moment then decided to turn off the laptop before she gone to bed.

Task 3: Use your mobile phone or camera to capture a place around the campus.                          
             Fill in the five- senses table.

Anjung Bayu

Five senses

What do you see?

What do you hear?

What do you smell?

What do you feel?

What do you taste?

I saw a smoky sky and wide open sea, with trees and few benches.

I can hear birds chirping and wind is blowing.

I smell a damp soil, grass and refreshing air after the rain.

I felt calm and peace as I can feel the sea breeze blowing right onto my face.

I taste salty water as if I was at the beach.

Task 4: Compile a list of words to describe the following places.

·         A market : crowded, noisy, colourful, dirty, smelly
·         A village : peaceful, calm, jungle, fresh, green, wonderful
·         A haunted house : creepy, scary, spooky, woody, cold, old
·         A busy city : noisy, crowded
·         A beach/riverside : (1) beach- damp sand, cold breeze, blue, beautiful, awesome, cool
                                (2) riverside- damp soil, wonderful, slippery, rocks

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